Worker have about 4000 MIN/day for 4 rig 280x
If price of MIN on Bittrex at 0.00001 BTC then worker earn 0.04btc/day. profit very high. So price 0.00001 very hard to exchange, real price must lower than 0.00001 btc. => Dev have 150000 x 0.00001 =1.5 btc or lower.
1.5 BTC for dev team some people for 7 days + => Profit very low.
So profit will high, DEV must earn MIN coin by another method exclude 1% fee.
So i not believe this coin. That stupid if mine this coin
IMHO the rules lot of times mentioned by dev which partly based on community's requirement. Everybody can decide to join to this project or not. It seems more than 300 miners/workers decided to join, and several others not. Keep in your mind: there are lot of other mineable coin in world wide, you can choose one.
Personally I'm very interested in this first attempt to help small miners and to show other way in cryptocurrency world. It's a very interresting experiment.