Do you guys know about
It is a very interesting project working pretty much in the same way. The website mining app is already working...
How are you different from it ?!
It's indeed a similar project, with some techincal differences regarding the blockchain their token is based on. For example:
1) Their hashing algorithm is SHA-256, while webchain uses Cryptonight, which makes it a CPU-mineable blockchain
2) Their blocks are found in aproximately 30 seconds, while blocks on webchain have an average time of 10 seconds.
3) We offer transaparent and trackable transactions, they don't.
Regarding the relation webchain-coinimp, consider that the differences for each blockchain highly affect the performance of the broswer-based mining. There are also some operative/reward specific features of our token that will be announced when the project is released that will differentiate a lot from this one you mention.
Thanks for your comment.