The concept of a web wallet it good, but a simple, standard wallet should be available for those of us that wish to use an old style wallet or have problems with our configuration for one reason or another. Currently, I cannot involve myself with a coin that gives me so much frustration with the wallet. A simple wallet would solve this for me and others, I imagine.
Are all of the steps that were taken listed here already? I haven't had other reports of this on 8.2 yet but that could just be due to there not being many 8.2 wallets in use. As far as recovering your wallet only after re-downloading the blockchain, that wouldn't solve the wallet issue or it showing up unless the chain data was corrupt and that might be due to the bootstrap it fetches during the first run. I'll be looking into the bootstrap and trying to reproduce this and my apologies for any inconvenience. I'll keep this post updated as well as twitter/our forum with any findings.
Best regards,
Yes, what I listed is everything that I have done. The only way to recover was for me to delete the program directory and reinstall NEOS wallet again and re-download the block chain again for the 3rd time. I am currently downloading the block chain so I wont know if it is all kosher until then, but I suspect it will be.
As I suspect it could be the bootstrap which is fetched during an initial install, I'm looking into that now and I'll determine if it's the culprit.
Thanks. Appreciate your support.
I have someone installing on 8 right now fresh to attempt to break it. I have a few sneaking suspicions I'm going to validate or invalidate by the end of the night. I'll keep you updated and thanks for your patience.
I have a similar issue in Windows 8.1 Pro. Every time I reboot the Neos wallet will not run. I have to reinstall it and then it will run but I lose my API settings. Very frustrating.
Are you running the latest 2.0.2 or 2.0.1? Did you have a Neos wallet installed before? If you'd be alright with it, I'd love to teamviewer in and just verify you're all squared away. The new system starts with a launcher and this sounds like you're using the previous version which used system services.
Best regards,