Heya folks,
I just wanted to check in with you like I said I would give my best attempt to in between coding. There's a few things to address just for the benefit of those unfamiliar with how the markets work and what might appear to be - that's actually not. If you've noticed as of late the BTC price has risen quite a bit. With the rise of price in BTC, typically alts suffer in the wake of people selling out to gain more fiat via BTC. Couple that with the holiday season approaching, and BTC ceilings higher than they've been in some time - people that aren't really in it to support Neos are going to sell. Like I've said many times before, that's their prerogative and I don't hold it against them. If people can make a profit with Neos, fantastic. =)
With that being said, I've been a bit quiet because in the middle of coding other improvements and so forth, new ideas came to mind. For those of you who code, you know that's the most awesome feeling ever and one of the best parts of the process of coding something. Those ideas spawned follow-up ideas and more forethought on how to make them even better which with some planning and pseudo-code lead me to basically rewriting a lot of the core functionality of Neos. This is for the better and only to accommodate these new features. When i release them, hopefully it'll be clear as to why. However, once I do release them there will be an explanation alongside the release which will shed more light on the extra code.
Needless to say, I'm really happy with the progress coming along and what's to come. We're still trying to smooth out rough edges on the multipool and bring forward the best possible info/profitability to miners that we can. Speaking of multipools, it's come to my attention that thepool.pw has included Neos in their rotation and they basically sell people multipools for their coins for buy support. In finding this out I reached out to them and respectfully requested that we were removed but they declined. So basically we have a good handful of multipools including Neos in their mine-and-dump cycle so you'll see some of that on the markets. We're doing our best to combat this with our own multipool (
http://mp.neoscoin.com - yes I know it's really rough). Honestly, we can't stop people from doing that we can only try to do our best to support our creation.
I would hazard a guess that within the next few weeks you'll see some announcements from me here and there or updates - but my main focus right now is on what's coming for Neos 2.0.2. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I can be found here, Twitter (@NeosCoin), on our forum (
http://forum.neoscoin.com) and IRC (irc.freenode.net #neoscoin).
Best regards,