Clearly broken coin. Staking is not working, you can easily find out from block chain explorer. Some addresses are receiving staking coins, some do not. "DEV" is ignoring the issue with staking.
I am not ignoring anything
How can you find out from the block explorer that the addresses are online and properly connected and have the wallets unlocked and staking? Please explain.
The greater the amount of coins the greater the chance you will get a stake of course, but that does not mean it is impossible to get a stake with a lesser amount, a quick look through the recent blocks shows for example:
This address is successfully staking with a low amount of coins: If you want to stake more nobody is stoping you from buying/mining more coins and putting them to stake. Staking was never meant to be easy, the more you put at stake the greater the chance of a reward. But if you have any serious suggestions for a change in the protocol or if you found a fault in the code please let me know.