Funds will need to be raised to handle the payouts. I'll personally donate 100 NOXT towards the cause! =)
Their are two forms of campaigns. the 1st is a Raffle system, where a select few (as few as 1) are selected to earn a moderately large sum at the end of the campaign. If you choose this kind of campaign, I would be happy to run it for a small fee. Alternatively, and generally with better results, you can choose to pay out a small sum for every actions performed. This type of campaign takes a significant amount of management, 50-100 addresses to pay out a day on a good campaign. I could not manage this campaign myself, and so we would need to find someone trustworthy within your community to handle the payouts and Campaign funds. Let me know which option you choose.
If someone wants to volunteer to run the 2nd type, Post here.
If you'd like to pledge towards the Campaign pool, post here how much. Once we reach 1000 NOXT pledged, I'll either give the go-ahead for a volunteer to set up the 2nd type of campaign, or if no volunteer comes forward I'll set up the Raffle type campaign. Once we hit 1000, an Campaign pool address will be posted by the campaign manager.
The free campaign will be 3 days long.
TOTAL Pledged: 100 NOXT
Needed: 1000 NOXT