As a key/value store, Namecoin allows any record on the blockchain such as identities and whatever data up to a size of 255 bytes for the key (255 ASCII characters such as numbers and letters, i.e. the name of the record like a domain name) and additional 520 bytes for the value (520 ASCII characters, e.g. the DNS configuration of a domain). So in total a key/value pair can contain 775 bytes or 775 ASCII characters (see record with TxID b5a1d922cb66299ced3856b8b112201f798b81dee31a4483e935f43866bb5554 as an example).
Today, Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 00:30:02 (GMT/UTC) we mined block 554960. So including the Genesis block, we got 554,961 confirmations of block 0. During these 10 years, a total of 5,584,201 TxIDs (transactions) were written to the blockchain, including the so-called Coinbase transactions for newly mined blocks that credit the miner's wallet with the reward. Subtracting the Coinbase transactions, 5,029,240 TxIDs were issued, so 5 million transactions for transferring coins and creating and updating names. On average, these are 10 TxIDs per block including the Coinbase transactions (or 9 TxIDs per block excluding the Coinbase transactions) and 152 blocks per day over the last 10 years.
happy birthday !