Seeing how .bit domains has not got the attention or widespread practical use, and how exchanges have been dumping NMC continuously for lack of substantial volume, I feel is time to take action and reinterpret what is already there. There is great potential and a hard fork will provide a space to experiment it, as I previously commented, viagra was originally conceived as a heart pressure medicine originally called sildenafil, but patients noted an interesting side effect. And instead of fighting that, the creators used it to their advantage and now viagra is known for giving boners, and not for the original intended purpose.
Ok - but if you are interested in .bit specifically, then that is not about Namecoin Core itself (but applications built on top of it). So wallet releases for Namecoin Core are not relevant here, neither are any plans for hard forks.
We already have good infrastructure for .bit lookups, thanks mainly to Jeremy's work on Electrum-NMC (for light lookups) and ncdns. So the issue here is not technical development (or lack thereof), but convincing people that they should go ahead and try using .bit. If you think you can help there, that would be awesome.
I'm aware about your talent and the things you can do, and i think you are the right person to lead this new project. Creating a hardfork would not compete with NMC in any way, and would provide a unique solution and concept of recycling unclaimed balances, which no coin has done so far. The basic idea is that balances get recycled back every sidereal year, at the heliacal rising of the star Sirius, which was associated with the annual flooding of the ancient river Nile. The time to renew these balances is 70 days before this date, corresponding with the 70 days Sirius is invisible to the naked eye, and the 70 days it took for mummification in ancient Egypt to prepare the dead for the after life.
Yes, I'm aware of your idea. And in fact, I don't think anyone in Namecoin actually opposes it. So feel free to go ahead and do it, or pay a developer to do it for you. The main point that Jeremy raised on the Namecoin forum was that Namecoin as a project has no interest in implementing your idea (because we personally don't think it is very useful, and would rather spend our time on improving Namecoin itself).