Have to check the ntp code you used, if it's my 'fixed' version of kr105s original code it's not very nice to pool.ntp.org (queries the same NTP server every 5 min).
I swear I have a way better one around here somewhere (runs NTP in seperate thread, takes round trip time into account, only queries ntp once per hour after initial sync, compares local, ntp and median of peer times and warns user if theres a large difference).
Well, yes, I suspect that it's that very code (I didn't know the fix was yours, and just credited the guy who committed. If you want, I can update the credits in the code comments).
I'm sure your code is good, but I reasonably doubt that I will be able to implement it by myself (my skills are only a notch above copy/paste as far as programming goes, I'm a design/arts dude by trade)
ArtForz , perhaps you could become a GG contributor ? What's your nick on Github ?