No. You lie.
There are posts from that thread which are now gone. Not relabeled as to who the poster was. Gone.
(As can be seen from the context of the thread. In the future I will be sure to always post with full quotes from you to mitigate this issue.)
How do we get a moderator / site admin involved in this?
-- edit --
Where is the response to:'m taking off my BFL hat here for a minute because this is complete and utter bullshit. I was trying to avoid calling you a liar, but the bottom line is you are lying. The only post that was "deleted" was the one where you yourself bitched about which account I was posting with, so I went ahead and reposted the exactly same post (I cut an pasted it for christs sake) as the BFL account... not four posts down. The exact same post. Nothing changed, added or deleted. The EXACT SAME POST. So seriously, if you consider that "deleting" a post because I was trying to placate your request that I post with the "proper" account, well though shit. You're wrong, end of story.
Here's the chain of events that has you up in arms:
As Inaba, I post, word for word, in response to AndrewBUD asking about being open on our progress:
Probably, but there are competitive issues that outweigh that at the moment.
The very next post you complain about the account. Michail1 states why bother, since it's the same person then you go on to complain about me keeping the personas discrete, which I actually agree with, so I copy the text from the Inaba post, repost it with BFL_Josh. Then here you are complaining about me doing exactly WHAT YOU WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE? And you calling me a liar because I supposedly "deleted" a post (which was reposted 4 posts down, 2 of them being your complaint and one of them being someone responding to your complaint) you complained about and posted it with the "proper" account. WTF? I mean, seriously. If that's the biggest complaint you have against me I'm doing #%@#$ awesome. You claim multiple posts are "gone" from that thread. Please, prove me wrong, I am dying to see what kind of machinations you can come up with to save yourself from the impending embarrassment you are about to experience (or should anyway) when you realize what an ass you are making of yourself by accusing me of something that simply did not happen.
This seems to imply a very absolute claim that you have never deleted posts. Yet myself (and others) have seen you do exactly that. Usually it's just to say the exact same (or almost the same) thing as Inaba, but the point stands.
Where? What posts have I deleted? I am eager to hear about all these supposedly missing posts. Now, I will admit to having deleted posts of me bitch slapping certain members of the forum who need a good bitch slapping for being utter morons, but I've only done this immediately after I've posted and before there are any replies. In this instance, if there has ever been a reply after mine, I have not deleted a post. There may be one or two occasions where I've deleted a post at the same time someone was posting, but if that has happened (I can't recall if it has) and someone questions me about it, I would certainly own up to it and explain why I did it.
But as BFL_Josh I guarantee you I have not deleted any posts that I can recall, or if I have it was, again, before anyone posted after me. If I were to edit or otherwise alter a post in such a circumstance where someone replied after me and the post would cause a thread disruption, you can be damned sure I would explain why I did it.
Come on, seriously, I can't believe of all the things people might have reason to call me out on, THIS mindless bullshit is what people try to pull? Not only something that can be easily verified, but given my personality and penchant for ranting, do you really think that would even be in character? Not even close.