get some HW error after a few day
I have try used many setting with -w -X gpuengne and memclock but still got HW error
sgminer.exe -k zr5 -o stratum+tcp:// -u ziftrcoin.1 -p x -w 256 -g 2 -X 1024 --gpu-powertune 20 --gpu-engine 1100 --gpu-memclock 1500 --lookup-gap 2
only use: sgminer.exe -k zr5 -o stratum+tcp:// -u ziftrcoin.1 -p x -w 256 -i 18
When i am home i will send u my .conf file, this because i dont put this information into the .bat file. atm i am at work till 22:00 gmt+1
trying with your setting but still get hw error, this happen after a day, before is no problem
and i think i'm not the only one
I'll crosspost here since I am getting no response in the mining forum:
I am using the Ziftr miner on 6 different rigs. These rigs all have AMD 14.6 or 14.7 installed so I put the 15.3b drivers in your miner folder. After about 18 hours of running with no reboots (yea!) each rig has multiple hardware errors and it is ALWAYS and ONLY gpu 0. Does that mean anything to you?
I am using Tahiti cards, 1050/1500, xI 1024, w 256, g 2
Please advise.
NB: running with x11 algo everytthing is normal
when running whirpoolx and zr5 algo with wolf mod shows hw error and unstable hash
now my PC looks something change everything running as administrator automatically >.<