I could translate to German if you are interested
We are. Post in the German forum and drop a link here and I'll reserve the bounty for you.
Lol @ these clonecoins fighting over the name. Your currencay will never be worldwide and the only reason you're in this is to make a bit of money.
The 5 marketing consultants we've hired disagree. It's okay though, we'll send you a consolation pie if you contact us once piCoin becomes a popular cryptocurrency around the world.
Also, it's hard to fight with another coin over a name when the other coin has a
self-moderated thread. It negates all offense.
A 1% premine is as bad as a 10% premine on this coin. you have available sat in your wallet nearly 314 million of these bad boys and you'll sell them as soon as they have any value crashing the coin down to the lowest possible 1 satoshi spot. Your giveaways for pools/wallets etc come to what, around 10 mill?
If it wasn't for the premine, or if you had premined 0.1% - then I'd consider this, but you've ruined what could have been an excellent coin.
0.1% - after giveaways you'd still have 20 million left - but you got greedy and that is what will kill it off.
I'm gutted. I really thought this coin could be worth something.
A few things things:
1. < 1% is not = to 1%. We will likely premine about 0.5%, which is less than most coins. This number will be updated at launch, as we are still premining.
2. This coin hasn't even launched yet - this premine has to last over quite a long time. Generally speaking, except for a few exceptions (notably Zeitcoin), most giveaways happen after launch. We have a lot of expenses to deal with and will be attempting to pay for many of these with piCoin itself. If we mined 0.1%, we'd be in the negative after a week. That's actually around the amount we plan on "getting rid of" during launch week. The premine is to giveaway, pay for bounties, and help deal with expenses. It's not to make us rich. More giveaways will come very soon, once we finish designing the website and remodeling the coin.
3. These public bounties are for public projects that we're asking the general community to do. We've already given away quite a bit to people with custom projects who have approached us.
4. These bounties are the current bounties. More bounties will be added, certain bounties may be doubled or tripled if necessary (we've already added another bounty or two since your post), etc. This is just a starting point, really.
5. You don't need to believe us, but we will not be dumping this coin. We hope this becomes apparent as we continually support this coin throughout both the ups and downs.