Now i created in "bin" directory AMD-NEOSCRYPT directory and placed nsgminer.
In Miners directory i copy sgminer.ps1 , renamed it into nsgminer.ps1 and modify it
$Uri = ""
$Uri_SubFolder = $true
if((Test-Path $Path) -eq $false)
$FolderName_Old = if($Uri_SubFolder){([IO.FileInfo](Split-Path $Uri -Leaf)).BaseName}else{""}
$FolderName_New = Split-Path (Split-Path $Path) -Leaf
$FileName = "$FolderName_New$(([IO.FileInfo](Split-Path $Uri -Leaf)).Extension)"
if(Test-Path $FileName){Remove-Item $FileName}
if(Test-Path "$(Split-Path (Split-Path $Path))\$FolderName_New"){Remove-Item "$(Split-Path (Split-Path $Path))\$FolderName_New" -Recurse}
if($FolderName_Old -ne ""){if(Test-Path "$(Split-Path (Split-Path $Path))\$FolderName_Old"){Remove-Item "$(Split-Path (Split-Path $Path))\$FolderName_Old" -Recurse}}
Invoke-WebRequest $Uri -OutFile $FileName -UseBasicParsing
if($FolderName_Old -ne ""){Start-Process "7za" "x $FileName -o$(Split-Path (Split-Path $Path)) -y" -Wait}else{Start-Process "7za" "x $FileName -o$(Split-Path $Path) -y" -Wait}
if($FolderName_Old -ne ""){Rename-Item "$(Split-Path (Split-Path $Path))\$FolderName_Old" "$FolderName_New"}
$Name = (Get-Item $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).BaseName
$Algorithms = [PSCustomObject]@{
NeoScrypt = 'neoscrypt'
$Optimizations = [PSCustomObject]@{
NeoScrypt = '-g 1 -I 13 -w 64 --thread-concurrency 64'
$Algorithms | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select -ExpandProperty Name | ForEach {
Type = 'AMD'
Path = $Path
Arguments = -Join ('--api allow --api-listen -- ', $Algorithms.$_, ' -o $($Pools.', $_, '.Protocol)://$($Pools.', $_, '.Host):$($Pools.', $_, '.Port) -u $($Pools.', $_, '.User) -p x', $Optimizations.$_)
HashRates = [PSCustomObject]@{$_ = -Join ('$($Stats.', $Name, '_', $_, '_HashRate.Day)')}
API = 'Xgminer'
Port = 4028
Wrap = $false
But multipoolminer cant survive it.Whats wrong?
I'll try adding the miners and optimizations ASAP then commit to GitHub.