Hello Dataeum Community! 👋🏻👋🏻👋
10 facts about BigData that you should know as the week comes to an end. 🙌🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Wherever you go in 2018, there are things you won’t get away from. One of them is, undoubtedly, Big Data. Sure, the name itself doesn’t sound like something understandable, or rather it doesn’t make a lot of sense. But what if it actually does? Here are top 10 facts about it you should definitely know:
👉🏻 Big Data is literally Big Data: McKinsey defines big data as referring to “datasets whose size is beyond the ability of typical database software tools to capture, store, manage and analyze”.
👉🏻 Big Data is top priority for business companies: for a typical Fortune 1000 company, just a 10% increase in data accessibility will result in more than $65 million additional net income.
👉🏻 Facebook stores, accesses, and analyzes 30+ Petabytes of user generated data - Facebook users send on average 31.25 million messages and view 2.77 million videos every minute.
👉🏻 Big Data Could Add 6 Million Jobs to U.S. Economy
👉🏻 Big Data is not only about businesses: the London Olympic authorities were using Big Data to enhance traffic conditions.
👉🏻 Big Data could save your life - with Big Data, doctors are able to assess the effectiveness of therapies and match patients with suitable trials.
👉🏻 Decoding the human genome originally took 10 years to process; now it can be achieved in one week.
👉🏻 The amount of unstructured data is growing rapidly - every 2 days we create as much data as we did from the beginning of time until 2003
👉🏻 Bad data or poor data quality costs US businesses $600 billion annually.
👉🏻 Governments use Big Data too - the Obama administration has invested $200 million in big data research projects.
Whether you like it or not, Big Data is taking root in our lives pretty fast.
About time to take control of your Data with DATAEUM. 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻