Depending on your comment I have a feeling you did not read further into our project as our whitepaper clearly states the following:
"Our technical analysts set goals for short and/or long-term holdings depending on analysis, general consensus, development activity, announcements or partnerships that are happening."
"Our 24-hour live news-feed will offer you a non-stop feed of articles that can be customised to completely match your portfolio, or just to provide a general overview of the current cryptocurrency market.
Once an user clicks an article, they will have: a complete view of the mentioned coin, price charts, automated technical analysis, important historic price changes, and a consensus tracker showing how the general feel about that particular coin is. The consensus tracker calculates its score from the ratio of positive/negative articles about that coin. Articles used in calculations include actual press releases, Reddit posts, and all other social media publications. Article quality is used to produce a weighted average score."
"Arbitrage trading can earn profit, but it is often difficult to monitor multiple exchanges. The number of exchanges continues to expand and there are often multiple trading pairs per cryptocurrency. It is incredibly difficult and time-consuming to track everything at once. The Trends Project offers a solution to this problem. We track hundreds of exchanges in real-time to quickly find arbitrage opportunities for our users. Our algorithm will find significant price-differences in cryptocurrency pairs on different exchanges so that they can easily be bought in one place and sold in another with profit. This arbitrage feature is a must-have game changer for traders."
Also all trading info is combined with historical data, extensive charting etc...
So this is clearly more than sentiment.