Great job by the whole Klondike community. We need to continue in our effort, so we stay at the top of the Reddit page for Coinedup.
We have 69 comments on the Reddit request for Coinedup so far. Lets make it 100+ Every vote counts. Remember, by keeping us visible at the top of their page, we are also advertising to all the miners and crypto investors that visit the site. Free Advertising!!!!
Add your request to be listed on Coinedup in the meantime and dont forget to upvote so we remain at the top of the page. These requests really work for Coinedup, Ive seen them add coins based on a large request before with my own eyes.
Official Klondike Donation Address: LFQc6mCdP4Aa2ZLQwxMeUq4FxUsUGv6Q7g
Balance: 18611.58926253 KDC
Transactions in: 12
Received: 18611.58926253 KDC
Transactions out: 0
Sent: 0 KDC
A 18btc bounty in the near future
Nice 18611 KDC Bounty they will accept it for sure
I'm pretty sure they don't take bribes. Whatever name you may call it.
Of course they take that, why will they refuse it when they can get money for the job they do?