It's the epic dumping at the end of the growth period that worries me. I think one way to mitigate that would be for the dev team to post some detailed plans for the coin about midway through the growth phase, especially if everything is working well on the technical side.
I don't plan to dump, but I will be taking some profits just to at least get my investment back. It would be very helpful to have some good compelling reasons clearly spelled out for holding beyond the growth period. If the dev team needs something written, that's my shtick--feel free to PM me
The network is stable now and I can't see any issues with the current codebase moving forward. I do need to do some tidying and bugfixing on the ui side of things, but those updates will be optional and clearly stated as such. So I'm going to take the time I have now to start working on a tentative road map and start working on future releases.
I want everyone here to understand that I want the community to be involved with the future of this coin. I know what direction I'm planning on taking the coin, but I'm not so headstrong that I'm not willing to take thoughts and ideas on board. I'm a huge advocate of decentralization, even from a development standpoint, and while I will continue to work and provide direction for the coin, I encourage everyone that would like to make a positive contribution to please do so.
I've really tried to create a situation where it's the strong hands that value this project that hold a majority of the coins. It's an ambitious experiment, and I do hope it plays out as well as I have imagined. But ultimately I accept that everyone expects me to be responsible for bringing value to the SeedCoins that they're holding, and I understand and respect that. You've invested time and money into my work, and even if I have only seen a small portion of it directly through the ICO - that was due to my own ambitious expectations and judgment. So it's on me to deliver and work hard to bring value to the coin for everyone. But I ask each of you to consider taking it upon yourselves to help bring value to the coin as well in whatever way you are best suited.
I will do everything I can on my own, but we will have the most success if we all work together and grow something special from SeedCoin. And so far, I couldn't be more proud or thankful for the community that has been sown here. I think together we can grow seed into something great and valuable.
Thank you everyone that has supported the thread and been answering questions while I've been getting some much needed rest. I feel awful about the issues that plagued us over the last few days and I am terribly sorry about the losses of time and money that have occurred over the last day. All I can say is that I understand your frustration, I'm doing the best I can, and thank you for your patience and support despite the growing pains we all just had to endure. I wont forget it.
Thank you, everyone. I hope everyone is ready for the rollercoaster ride that awaits us in just a few days. I have no idea what's going to happen, it's all a grand experiment, but it's sure to be interesting.
While it's all happening, I encourage everyone to remember that every difficulty that you will encounter, everyone else will be encounter as well. There's a lot of strategies one can use to maximize your portion of seedcoins compared to everyone else's, and I encourage you to do your research on how the staking process works and really take the time to think about how to maximize your chances of success. Staking in SeedCoin, from a practical standpoint, is no different from any other coin, and growth is ultimately just a very accelerated staking process.
If you have any questions that you'd like answered and kept private, please feel free to PM me in confidence. I wont share your thoughts with anyone else, and I will answer every question as honestly as I possibly can.
So with all that said, lets grow some seeds:D
tl;dr I will bring value to SeedCoin. I encourage anyone that wants to to help. Thank you everyone for everything. And you might want to consider reading this particular long block of text:)