I run my bat with the server settings for Gshift then I run Phantom bat, is this the proper way I should be doing this or is there a config file somewhere?
Phantom and shiftHub look nice for an alpha / preview of whats to come. Its looks like a nice system is being developed here and once all the flagship features are implemented this will be revolutionary. So basically Shift coins will be the payment system for Dapps, web hosting, and vps services that someone could use on this platform. Where they basically pay for the amount of bandwidth that is consumed and the people running a full node will be payed out for that bandwidth that they serve.
I would personally be interested in running a full node on a Dedicated Box once we get to that stage, I have a provider that I use currently that offers a really good service. I think that is really where zeronet fails is that the speed is slow and peers don't cache the data fully so the websites don't operate as they should.
In the first stages running a node which is seeding content (websites, blogs, torrents, ..) to the network will get the same reward, independent of individual amount of traffic. The more important aspect is when users publish a site on Phantom, they distribute their public key as the site address and can get paid to that address. They can directly monetize their content if they choose so.
Of course this is just the very basic thought behind the idea, as the concept is open for much more and we will be looking at more incentives to run nodes, create content or pay others for their contributions at some point.