PoW work is different from PoS work, therefore the numbers are different. The concept is the same. The Difficulty number for PoST must be calculated (adjusted) in as similar way as the Difficulty number in PoW, so that the TARGET block rate is met under ANY conditions of the network of machines, doing the job of finding next block.
The difficulty changes yeah, but has nothing to do with the ability of finding a block in PoST. The wallets are not searching for a block they are staking their coin weight against other wallets to be considered for reward at any given time. When reward is granted the wallet hashes a difficulty to produce the hash work for the block, your not finding a block, you are given the ability to mint it and this now changes your Weight for future stakes, locked in also hence 500 Confirms. You won a block reward since your Stake met the criteria of PoST.
If the wallets online right now were just hashing at the current difficulty we would see many more blocks. If your coin weight determines your Difficulty then this still doesn't make blocks quicker since it is relative to your weight and if I had my wallet hooked up to a thousand core symmetrical processor I could just keep adding hash to my wallet and find more blocks than anyone on the network since I am Hashing and winning blocks at high Coin Weight Diff even though other wallets with normal cores can't find blocks at a low diff. See how it just can't work that way?
None of what you say is my task to understand as a system tester.
The question I asked was this:
"In PoW mining, the feedback that maintains the 1 minute target is achieved by varying the difficulty according to the hashpower currently working on that blockchain.
In the current PoST implementation we have, what is the feedback used to maintain the target block rate?"
Steve's answer was this : "Same concept in PoS. The difficulty is adjusted."
Then what is your answer? What is the feedback used to maintain the target block rate?
It is 60 blocks an hour, the difficulty is produced by the network to match this rate as Coin Weight. Not externally by hash. If everyone has their coin locked up staking and coin age requirements are not met and I don't think anyone can generate a block. Well Vericoin is situated at 60 per hour so this will work itself out when the network reaches equilibrium.
Now I don't see your answer to my question any different from Steve's answer. What happened? And who is ever talking external hash here? Am I dumb? No, I am not.
There are still many spendable staking coins in many wallets - everyone here says that.
I have 5 wallets on 2.0.5 (11% of all, I guess?)
I have no wallets on 1.5, but know of 2 wallets on 1.5, but these two 1.5 wallets I know of have ZERO balances in them. Oh, I am sorry, hope goes down I guess...by 10% !
In my five 2.0.5 wallets running with the sole purpose to INCREASE the number of staking nodes, most of the balances have already staked, BUT there are still 40000-50000 SLR "staking". With fewer and fewer coins to stake, they should be staking at the same rate as when there were more coins to stake. But the fact is, the rate goes down. And the other fact is: the initial rate, as well as the highest rate achieved so far, were nowhere close to the target.
If there is a feedback mechanism in place, it's either not working properly, or it's not set up properly.