For the umpthteenth time, why is doing that in any way, shape or form positive for this project? Do you REALLY believe anyone will be interested in "collecting" a few cents they wouldn't bother to pick up on the street if they were lying on the floor? I didn't think so. Regular people -as opposed to stupid loser nutcases- are quite busy doing something called LIVING to waste their valuable time on something only jerkoffs engage on.
Did you sell at the bottom? Sorry for your luck.
So people who paid .005 cents for bitcoins in 2009 where losers also? I bet you would pick those up off the ground today.
At least they could buy pizza for like 30k of them or something. It was SOMETHING. There's absolutely nothing you can buy with SLR that you cannot buy with any and all of the more than 500 altcoins somehow active today.
But you still refuse to answer the far more important question: why any and all jerkoffs claiming coins would in any way, shape or form benefit slr?
Dont fell sorry for me. I haven't lost a single cent on this utopy. I am "ahead" .... by at least us $0.10...
People on this forum have already bought Natural Soy Wax Candles from Candlelit Day with SolarCoin. If you are interested
Yup this is true.