This is very exciting and we're honored to be the first major event sponsored by Teslacoin & the Teslacoin Foundation!
For anyone that isn't familiar with our conference it is the Energy Science & Technology Conference and this year will be the 7th one.
This year, it is from July 5th to 8th - usually it is 3 days but this year is the first time we have expanded it to 4 days.
Here are the bios and talk descriptions for this year's presentations: conference has been sold out for weeks, but we do film the presentations and make them available as paid downloads through Clickbank at
http://emediapress.comJohn Bedini & Peter Lindemann and I are the original founders of this conference. John Bedini passed away Nov 2016 and Peter Lindemann retired a few years ago so I'm the sole producer of this conference. Both of them are legends in the Tesla Sciences movement going back to the 70's when most people never heard of Tesla. I have published quite a bit of their work. Eric Dollard presents at my conference and he is considered to the modern living Tesla - the most knowledgeable man alive on the true nature of electricity and he has replicated much of Tesla's work to a level that has not been accomplished by anyone else since Tesla. There are many others, but this is just a brief intro.
Teslacoin was the first cryptocoin to donate to Eric Dollard's non profit organization EPD Laboratories, Inc. back in 2014 when I first learned of Teslacoin. And they're the first cryptocoin to give real recognition to the true pioneers and thought leaders of the modern day Free Energy & Tesla Sciences movement.
I'm looking forward to seeing the Teslacoin crowdfunding platform make a difference in people's lives and in this world as a whole by supporting truly sustainable technologies that we all need and deserve.