Tried to get 248 sat for a few weeks, no go. Just put them back in my wallet. 200% POS will return on the 8th, so im just gonna keep them for now until price rises.
Probably a good thing, at these lower prices compounding interest is better! Prices have been higher than HYP though
for the past week or so. Volume has been steady at .2 btc since last threat of delisting. I picked up another 80k
today. Scoop it with at these prices! Someone has been dropping a lot, the past couple of days. Glad I had a floor
so it did not go much lower. Low prices hurt the btc volume, have to have some where to trade at. Most all of the
POS coins have been in a down trend the past few months. So now is the time to load up your wallets, I think they
have pretty much bottomed out for now. When the whales notice that, we could get a significant up trend. TRK is still
higher than back in July at 43 satoshis. I opened the new wallet to check it out, staked more than half my stash.
Seems to be going non stop, since yesterday afternoon. Once XPY and a few others die down the whales will be back,
looking for something else to make money on. I bought a bunch of USDE sat there for months, then it has been moving
up quite nicely the past few days. I bought a ton of ZEIT 6 months ago at 15-20 now back up to 90, not a bad return.
Been stocking up on Karma, sitting at mid 30's. Was up over 3k at one time. If it wakes up again, and just gets up to
1k, I will have done pretty good. I have seen coins, most people seen as dead, come roaring back to life. Just need
some patience and faith, you just never know when they may come back to life. When 200% comes back, I think
we will see a return of interest. Bought my first TRK at 43 sat, saw it go up to 5k back in October. I sold maybe
10k, paid for a lot of TRK, I had bought at 43! Most of my TRK have returned my initial investment, Patience is key,
buy low and sell some high. Not looking for a quick profit, long term is safer. Most short term traders and day traders,
quickly lose they money, looking for those quick profits. I had to relearn that lesson back in Feb. and March. Unless
you have all day to sit and watch your screen or have a bot working for you, most likely you will lose your money!
Happy New Years Truckers! May the profits roll in 2015!
Peace, Dennis