As to Vegas you posted how much you appreciated noise23 at TEK. Then you come over here and trash him.
A:Yes, Ill say it again, noise23 is a very talented developer. Thats what I said on tekcoin ann. I dont take that back. I hate fudders, and wanted to deal with noise23 head on with the issues. If Ive got an issue, I deal with you direct, and dont talk behind people back. My goal was to get direct answers, and posting fud on another thread will not accomplish that. It was about getting issues resolved, I dont get off on fudding or giving people a hard time, but I DID ask nicely regarding the specifics of the upcoming wallet, and the answers I got were very general and grey. Nobody seemed to know the facts about the upcoming changes, yet few people spoke up. When Noise finally answered directly with specifics , everyone calmed down, and things got quiet.
If you are such a computer genius, why don't you start your own coin?
A:Dont need to. I have more money than I can possibly spend. I enjoy trading and mining. I do it because I enjoy it. It seems that being a dev is a very stressful position. I gave up stress a few years ago.
Was your rant to drive down the price?
I own 278,000 truck .Why in gods earth would I shoot myself in the foot?!!? Here is my wallet id so you can check: pT4pxw97mv8reoi7Un383Vz8QYfGfqVVts
HYP has 750% why not buy that instead?
A: I already have 350k hyp. Is that not enough?
Wallet id: pD2vFnN27ymZBkDkQRLeXrwMtBiHWhQynq (To verify)
TEK was 40% a month, now it is less, probably 25% now. I did not see you ranting over there.
A: Heres a post from me on tek a few days ago: (I spread the love):
Re: [TEK] TEKcoin 500% PoS/PoW hybrid SuperStake
November 24, 2014, 03:23:14 PM
Reply with quote Edit message Delete message #3085
I dont know why I keep trying to mine this coin. I need my head checked! And everyone wonders why the price is plunging.
(This was when I tried to mine, and more than half were orphans)
Maybe you should take your money over to the one arm bandits and see how you do there!
A: I make more sitting at home retired at 42, doing whatever the hell I please.
Maybe you should try mining coins and make money that way.
A: ya, I do very well on my 60 GPU farm, and 250 mhs of scrypt, and 2ths antminer S4. Want proof. Just ask.
Coins go up and down, just like stocks and commodities.
Yep: Yes they do, and I know when to buy and sell and profit when they do. I have NEVER complained about the price of truck, and glad its still affordable for all. Thanks for the info though. LOL
Im fine with that. My gripe was: I was looking for clear and precise answers, thats all.
Oh and if you do decide to dump your 250k, I am waiting for you.
I have a few low ball bids in to take advantage of people like you! I buy as much as I can when people get frustrated and dump their coins, like you! Did not mind noise23
saving your TEK coins did you?
I wont be dumping truck anytime in the near future. The wallet is flawless, I just wanted clear answers from Noise 23, and finally I had to get hard and direct, but I had already asked him nicely a few times.
@Noise23. You wont need to create a new moderated thread, Im cool now that I have the info regarding changes on the wallet. When coin holders ask you questions, just answer them with specifics, and I promise peace in the thread. I promise. Thats all this was ever about, answering questions regarding the upcoming changes, its as simple as that. Ill probably delete my old posts as I am a truckcoin supporter, and dont want to hurt myself and others. Im actually a very nice guy, until people want to piss me off. If you dont believe that read my prior posts, and youll see Im very kind and helpful until people want to try me.
Hey Dennis: you say you support truck, how much do you hold? I support truck to the tune of a quarter of a million coins, how strong is YOUR support? Please post wallet id as proof. I think actions speak louder than words. Have a great day.
UPDATE: I deleted all my recent posts to clean up this thread, and I encourage others to do this same. I dont want to hurt myself and others.