Thanks for your continued work. Im checking the github every day to make sure things are moving along (and they are), and the source code is in order. Its my fault for neglecting to audit the source last time before you sent it to commit. There are some concerns in the code , and Im hoping you can address them. I will be specific , and address the lines of concern. Don't worry, even though I now reside in Las Vegas, English is not my primary language either as I was born in the uk, and moved to the US when I was 12. Anyway here are some lines I would like to discuss with you, and your intent:
For those that want to follow along see :
Line 631 // "Use an exponentially decaying ~10-minute window" : I dont know what this does but "exponentionally decaying".. doesnt sound good.
Line 1657 // "List of what to disconnect" . I dont see my name yet, but lets see what the commit has.
Line 1857 // "Check the version of the last 100 blocks to see if we need to upgrade": Take this out if it was included in It didnt work then. Why keep it?
Line 2016 // "Disconnect if we connected to ourself". Ok so that explains my syncing issues. Ill try to keep that behavior to a minimum.
Line 2928 // "Be shy and don't send version until we hear". No DONT be shy. Sometimes us computer geeks , spend too much time in front of a computer. Please get out there and be social.
Anyway these are just some of my concerns until the source goes to commit. I know its just a proto, but I wanted to work along with you, and help make truck a smooth ride.
Pissing in my pants from laughter got me almost drowned. ROFL
LMFAO.. sometimes all we can do is fucking laugh