You, ereborltc and AlcoinUK are not welcomed here. Vercioin supporters should never behave like you all did yesterday. Get out from this thread and never come back with this nick.
The problem, you see, this thread is not moderated. This is why it should die.
Anyway, and because of that, I don't give a shit of what you think. Get lost
If this thread would be moderated you wouldn't be here for a very long time. Your homophobic and insulting posts just as bad and damaging for VeriCoin as ereborltc and AltcoinUK "support". Last warning cyber ninja, get out from the vericoin thread.
You see, my point is that an unmoderated thread is useless.. I guess you got clearly the point by now, don't you? So, vote on killing this thread otherwise you will read all types of stupid things (exactly like the ones I posted which BTW are not my personal opinions but they got the message to you, didn't they?)
Since you are a disgrace to Vericoin no one is interested in what is your opinion about vericoin threads. No excuses can undo your homophobic and disgraceful posts, just like no excuses for ereborltc and AltcoinUK. This thread is read by many visitors and vericoin can't afford to be associated with people like you, ereborltc and AltcoinUK. Three of you intentionally made this thread a war zone, even if it was unintentional an adult person should understand the consequences of his/her actions and the damage your actions had caused. Only a person who want to discredit the community and damage Vericoin act like you, ereborltc and AltcoinUK acted yesterday.
If you are part of the Barabbas/AltcoinUK FUD group then not even an apology is required, just go and never come back. If you are just dumb homophobic person then apologize to the Vericoin community for the damage your posts made and leave. Was that clear?
Your point is clear and so is mine. This thread must be shut down. If necessary, it needs to be killed. I'm sorry for the methods applied but we must get this crap down.