what we have here, Jay Jay, is nothing else but a very few but very rabid beasts, protected by the anon that the internet provides.
You really remind me of a better trained version of Baghdad Bob, barabbas. I can't say that I admire what you do but I definitely have to give credit where credit is due because after having previously done a considerable amount of research on propaganda and more specifically, the ways that we can all be psychological manipulated by others (including those in the media), I have never actually encountered someone with as much skill as you have in gaslighting.
Check it out, this seems to fit many of your posts to a T:
http://counsellingresource.com/features/2011/11/08/gaslighting/"In recent years, the term “gaslighting” has come to be applied to attempts by certain kinds of personalities, especially psychopaths — who are among the personalities most adept at sophisticated tactics of manipulation — to create so much doubt in the minds of their targets of exploitation that the victim no longer trusts their own judgment about things and buys into the assertions of the manipulator, thus coming under their power and control.
Effective gaslighting can be accomplished in several different ways. Sometimes, a person can assert something with such an apparent intensity of conviction that the other person begins to doubt their own perspective. Other times, vigorous and unwavering denial coupled with a display of righteous indignation can accomplish the same task. Bringing up historical facts that seem largely accurate but contain minute, hard-to-prove distortions and using them to “prove” the correctness of one’s position is another method. Gaslighting is particularly effective when coupled with other tactics such as shaming and guilting. Anything that aids in getting another person to doubt their judgment and back down will work."
Oh you flatterer you... And I thought no one would notice.... but yes, you caught me pants down... Nothing especially difficult mind you, since for months now I have been "gaslighting" the devs in hopes they would do something,
anything, for Vericoin --or just ANYTHING AT ALL, period.
Unfortunately, in spite of my unparalleled skill on the subject, to no success whatsoever.
But be sure I take your appreciation exactly as the compliment I'm quite sure it was intended to be... There are several other denominations for individuals like you, plenty of them in fact, but in the new spirit of civility here, I will go for "flatterer" this time around. You do know perfectly well what those denominations are, indeed.