I am going to take your novel -so you can get used soon to the kind of verbiage it is used here to start the salvo of ad hominens-, the answer to AltcoinUK as if it was directed at me since you put us in the same package with your initial question and it was obvious that to look up what I found regrettable -among other things- about Vericoin, so often repeated in my posts, you wanted to save yourself the "work" of simply going through a few of them.
First of all thank you for your post and your intentions to defuse. I appreciate it. But, unfortunately, it's nothing new. And it hasn't worked before (Shinraven has tried numerous times, with no success whatsoever, as a matter of fact making the confrontations if anything more incendiary). You see, I believe you can domesticate the occasional animal, but beasts will be beasts and they will sooner rather than later, show their true colors. Always. And what we have here, Jay Jay, is nothing else but a very few but very rabid beasts, protected by the anon that the internet provides. As you have seen in the mos recent period, it isn't Vericoin, or even their mounting losses in it, that are the problem. The problem is that if you are a homophobe, you hate "fags". And are aching to shout it to the world; the problem is that if you secretly, in the inner depths of your desires, want to eat dick, your mind will find a way of express that private obsession, especially under the hiding curtain of the internet. It applies to racism; it applies to absolutism. To all kinds of hatred... but do not take my word for it, please., just make your own decision when considering we are talking here of supposedly grown up men who know not only how to hit the ignore button but also how to stay away from a place where their innate hatred is exacerbated or -they want to feel- "provoked". We are talking of individuals bent, absolutely bent, on forcing other individuals who they believe post counter to their pockets, to silence by whatever means necessary -and, believe me, the only limitation to this is set by the environment, the internet; in the real life, they would have resorted to deadly violence long ago-. Exactly the same type of beasts that burned books... and then the people that read them. The same type of beasts that not only welcome censorship because the want to forcibly silence those opposing voices, but want it imposed in the most expedite ways: They want it across the board, no matter that they have already several outlets of such circumstance perfectly available to them and that there are no ties whatsoever that keeps them here. They want "here" closed. Buried. Disappeared. In their beastly irrationality, they have it quite clear that silencing -as if that were possible- those who disagree with them, IS the price, regardless if it is or not beneficial to the project in general.
Such individuals, dear Jay Jay, INCLUDE the two devs, Nosker and Pike. And both have not only expressed so many, many times, but have done so in their usual arrogant way. They don't want the opposing views. They sponsor and welcome censorship in the strongest form they are capable of. .. and yeah, they will keep this thread open ONLY because they know that otherwise another one would be open or, worse, the peculiarities of their censorship will be examined in already existent forums. Such are the individuals you are dealing with here, Jay Jay. That is the reality created subsequently.
One again, I thank you for your attempt which I suspect is not altogether noble but directed by the fact that you may have convince yourself you can do something about it and that something will result in an increase in price after you have made a nice investment in Vericoin. It is more than possible that, since we are at prices so low and have been for so long, that the community -the real one, the one that doesn't post BS hatred here- won't allow for now to go lower, the coin will rebound. On just the proposal of a World Vericoin Day it doubled in price in hours, so it is indeed quite possible that it will happen again and you will be handsomely rewarded by your efforts whether the spike in price will have anything to do with your posting -I hope you don't believe that- or is just a minimal -and I mean less than 10 BTC will do the trick-, whale move in this direction, totally unmotivated. I hope it does because I know you mean well but, unfortunately, regarding who's who and what's causing what here, you have shown a total lack of knowledge -and even will of "going through the big effort of finding out".
Good luck in your endeavors.
good job avoiding most of the valid points though