I think more people need to be staking to keep the chain zinging along.
Whats the average rate of return when it comes to staking?
OP has it at 5%/year
That's the rate of increase for the coin supply. I'll have a look at the repo to see what the stake reward is based on.
I'll do it tomorrow.
Well this is a bundle of fun.
Basically, it's 5% per year
static const int64_t COIN_YEAR_REWARD = 5 * CENT; // 5% per year
But it looks like there is a change to encourage people to be online
// miner's coin stake reward based on coin age spent (coin-days)
int64_t nSubsidy;
if (IsProtocolV3(pindexPrev->nHeight))
nSubsidy = (pindexPrev->nMoneySupply / COIN) * COIN_YEAR_REWARD / (365 * 24 * (60 * 60 / 64));
nSubsidy = nCoinAge * COIN_YEAR_REWARD * 33 / (365 * 33 + 8);
if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printcreation"))
LogPrintf("GetProofOfStakeReward(): create=%s nCoinAge=%d\n", FormatMoney(nSubsidy).c_str(), nCoinAge);
return nSubsidy + nFees;
So that you don't just earn 5% on your balance, but 5% on your balance if you keep your connection open. Well, something like that. I didn't go all the way down the rabbit hole.