Sorry for the spamming, I couldn't help myself.
Also, I think that we should change the name to just xc and have the name as the logo.
For example (light logo and dark logo|)
I'm thinking this is the direction to take, unfortunately I haven't gone back through all the posts yet and the current logo could be easily adjusted for this change
I still like this one the best.
Please excuse my bad english
I like your clean and professional design...
I by myself have worked a few times on logo and website designs, but i am unfortunately really bad in design and have not enough creativity.
Although, I have some knowledge..
Important features a logo should have:
- memorable
- A good logo exists, if anyone can trace it with a pen, and it is recognized. I have to say: draw an apple with a bite, and everyone knows what is meant
- Print matters: a good logo consists of a maximum of 3 colors, best just 2.
- no 3d, no color gradients
- it must be possible to reduce to logo to black and white an it has still to look good. Likewise, the negative image of it (if you noticed this at the beginning, you will thank afterwards)
- a Logo profits if it uses a interesting, individual kind of typo. So die "f" in facebook.
I would like a combination of your design and Teka's design some pages ago. I used this and tried to "implement" this in a round design and I think
a mix of your two designs could work very well.