Open Orders
Order 19857 @ My Address #1
Buy: 1 JPJA (remaining: 1 JPJA)
Sell: 0.0005 BTC (remaining: 0.0005 BTC)
Here's the history:
Tx Block Block Time Source Type Description
308218 Jun 28th 2014, 3:27:48 am Order Match Exp Order Match d40276c9d63d148f48ff3bb7ee15f7fd400f1bb9a29aeade329e7faa9d92d42d404dec488e13b30 b9ee29a36ffff4324aa9302bd5ac4bdb25cc72becdf0cd262 expired
cd262 308207 Jun 28th 2014, 1:09:00 am Order Match 1K2eXP3wsX4W5HjnkNKsqX1fgRPhFA5RNv sent 1 JPJA
My Address #1 sent 0.0005 BTC (pending BTCpay)
cd262 308207 Jun 28th 2014, 1:09:00 am My Address #1 Order Sell 0.0005 BTC for 1 JPJA
It is now over 8 hours since I placed my order for JPJA at the offering/issue/market price yet I still don't have it. Why is that?
- Eric
I had some trouble with the BTCpay part of buying an asset recently. I had the same thing happen, with the order still showing up as open until I manually cancelled it. Then I tried it again, and it worked pretty fast, although this time I was watching and reloading my wallet every 5 minutes (logging out, then logging in) to make sure that the BTCpay happened.
The process: You place your buy order. The order is matched. It takes ~3 blocks (?) for the order match to be confirmed, before you can BTCPay. Then you have ~6 blocks (?) to BTCPay, after the original ~3 blocks for the order match to be confirmed, before the order match expires. (However, in my case and yours, the order itself was still in effect, although it was not re-matched.)
So it is kind of a clunky process. Asset owners should be encouraged to sell their assets in XCP in order to avoid the delays associated with BTCPay. (Their assets are tied up for ~10 blocks waiting for the order to go through, even if it fails!) It is my understanding that a pure XCP trade is confirmed very quickly, since the XCP can be escrowed as part of the order itself.
P.S.: This is the kind of thing that complainers are complaining about when they say that there is not enough documentation for XCP. I have been following and participating in this thread for months now, reading every post, and I didn't know how the above actually worked until I did it myself.