Some reasons why XCP has value:
1) Trading with XCP on the distributed exchange is (and always will be) cheaper and faster than with BTC.
2) You can use only XCP for making bets, CFDs and asset callbacks. Forthcoming complex features and financial instruments will also likely be restricted to denomination in XCP.
3) All future proof-of-stake voting, e.g. for protocol changes, voting functionality, DACs, etc. will be determined by XCP holdings.
XCP is the native currency of Counterparty and its sole first-class citizen. If the Counterparty protocol has great value (as I'm sure that it does), then so does XCP.
Thanks dev !!!!
1/ How much faster and cheaper precisely ?
2/ So everything in the future will be with XCP ?!
BTC is only for exchanging assests ?
3/ Wow,
So if I have XCP, I will automatically have voting rights (It is news or I was living under a stone ?).
There will be proof of stakes with XCP ?!
About DAC, will XCP holders automatically have a part of the assets ?
I understand better "If CP has great value, then so does XCP", but If you had a gun on your head and you HAD to answer the 2 questions :
- "how much a XCP will be worth in 6 months" ?
- "why it will explode or what is the key event or functionnality that will make the price explode" ?
What would you answer ?
Theses 3 points are great and valuable. Thank you for your time, I don't want to distract you in answering posts, be as quick as you want.
It is important to talk about XCP and have marketing, only if we can easily explain and convince people landing here to invest :-)