Man, are these guys going to use Counterparty or not?
No, they will use Mastercoin on a permissioned clone of the Doge blockchain which only runs on TI84s.
I had to Google what a TI84 is, but it was worth it.
Symbiont is trolling you all. They will clearly never use XCP on Wall Street. They are going to make a clone called XCP-XT and they will not be mutually usable. The XCP will be smelted and turned into Factoms, XPY and the rest into Citicoin. Send me all your old XCP for recycling: 14Tf35AovvRVURzd623q5i9kry2EW8WzyL
NASDAQ will operate with XCP and the Chain Inc. provider that will be the main operational instruments there. This days are coming