State of all bitmonerodTotal Daemons: 12
It is the number of bitmonerod daemon. A daemon is a background process. We use so many for 3 reasons :
1.) Each of those daemon are 12 times less stressed than using only one. It allow the pool to update much faster (getblocktemplate).
2.) If one of them is stuck, it doesn't affect the pool and miners. A bitmonerod process can be stuck for many reasons : busy, fork, too slow, restarting...
3.) Allow the pool to be connected to more nodes on the network.
Total OK: 12
It is the number of daemon online and up-to-date.
Last Monitoring: 15/1/2015 18:01:39.803
The last time all process were checked.
This board under display all details :
Node Height Difficulty Time Check Previous Block Error
node9 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.812 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node8 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.812 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node7 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.813 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node6 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.813 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node5 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.816 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node4 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.816 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node3 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.811 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node2 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.811 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node11 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.812 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node10 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.812 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node1 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.814 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
node0 393244 859128448 15/1/2015 18:01:39.813 1bd5e8d19f746f54 OK
Node: The daemon nickname.
Height: The blockcount on the blockchain. This data can tell if we are stuck or on a fork.
Difficulty : The actual difficulty.
Time Check: The time of verification.
You can guess the daemon latency by comparing the Last monitoring with the Time check. For example, the node9 daemon has 9 ms ( 18:01:39.812 - 18:01:39.803 ).
Previous Block: The hash corresponding to the last block in the blockchain. It is used as a reference for the current block.
Blocktemplate used for each thread using of miningYou are now aware of most of the data a pool admin is monitoring and you can appreciate the transparency. We believe this make the difference between a good and a bad pool.
With an average time of 60 seconds between each block, finding, processing and sending update to all miners in the shortest possible time is critical. For example, 3 seconds looks small but it represent 5% time lost so 5% less mining gain !
Because of Monero complexity, 2 seconds is already great but we now average 600 ms. Most pools are over 3 secs.
Total Threads: 58 Number of process used to manage all miners.
Average NewJobs: This is the most important for you. It is the average time for miners to get the new job after the discovery of a new block on the network.
Short Average Send NewJobs: It is the shortest average time some miners got the work from the pool.
Long Average Send NewJobs: The longest average...
Thread Height Difficulty Start SendJobs Duration SendJobs Previous Block
0988cfe7 393247 863994976 15/1/2015 18:03:29.942 68ms/571ms 4e763aa3.....859e0e79
0cf89fc3 393247 863994976 15/1/2015 18:03:29.533 3ms/97ms 4e763aa3.....859e0e79
fc35f69b 393247 863994976 15/1/2015 18:03:29.778 60ms/399ms 4e763aa3.....859e0e79
ff956901 393247 863994976 15/1/2015 18:03:29.443 27ms/31ms 4e763aa3.....859e0e79
Thread: Unique thread identifier.
Height: Actual block height.
Difficulty: Difficulty.
Start SendJobs: Timestamp for the last block discovery.
Duration SendJobs : The first number is the time for the daemon to send new jobs. The second is the time for the daemon to send new job and discover new block.
Previous Block : The previous block.
The data are not in real time but it's pretty decent.
You'll sometimes see "state of all bitmonerod" give 5 minutes outdated informations.
If you spot bad or old data, try to refresh the page.