We'd like to make a couple announcements.
We've received some excellent offers of graphic work for StealthCoin. We very much appreciate such participation and are proud to announce an updated logo courtesy of "pm1978"! We'll be awarding a 10k bounty in appreciation of his help and look forward to his future involvement.
In other news - although some promising groundwork progress has been made on Phase 2 development of blockchain analysis resistance, we must unfortunately report that Hondo has had difficulties with his internet connection and other StealthCoin-related distractions while on his retreat. In the interest of transparency to our awesome community, we'd like to report a delay of Phase 2 implementation. We're not sure exactly how long it will take to complete, but rest assured that we're hard at work and want to implement the technology at the highest levels.
We're extending our timeline for this development milestone up to another 10 days, and will follow-up on or before August 2nd. In the meantime, we will continue to provide regular updates and will continue work in parallel on our other projects and services.