There's quite a lot wrong with this firmware update for me I'm afraid, apart from it being broken in the first place of course. Having to fix it before you can use your S3 again after flashing is pretty stupid on it's own, but the appearance of two invisible fan readings with no explanation & the voltage adjustment setting, again with no explanation, make it verging on the ridiculous.
I've been running it on two of my S3's for 24 hours now just to experiment & see if there is any improvement over my other Ants running the older firmware with ck's excellent S3 binary added, and from what I can see - it's worse. The load on the Ants has gone up from ~1.8 to over 2.4, the reject rate has gone up from ~2.5% to over 3.5%, the stale rate has gone from less than 1% to over 2% and the cpu usage has increased from ~75% to 95-100% - the only thing that hasn't changed is the HW error rate & the hash rate.
I'm not sure if Bitmain are using the same binary that ck done for the S3, but if they are, I can only imagine that all the extra needless additions to the (broken) firmware are overloading the already overloaded/underpowered controller which is causing the higher rejects/stales/cpu rate. One thing is certain though, Bitmain have once again not bothered testing their firmware whatsoever, making the same mistake as they did with the S4 - simply because if they had of tested it properly they would have noticed that it was not only broken in the first place, but also that the performance was worse than the older version.
I just thank the cyber gods that I didn't rush straight in & flash all my S3's in one go with this junk firmware, as I now have only two S3's to revert back to the older firmware with ck's binary - instead of 20
Whoever "created" this firmware should be sacked.