This issue is that the S4 can't communicate it's need for higher share difficulty to the pool. Btcguild and ghash both work perfectly fine share difficulty manually set to 2048.
Perfectly? Are you getting paid perfectly? Cuz I switched my S4 to BTC Guild over 3 days ago and, while the pool's dashboard does report my speed as just over 2TH and their pretty color charts do show my hashrate fluctuating consistently just above the 2TH line for three days solid now, I don't see to be actually getting *paid* for 2TH...
My earnings so far from this S4 on BTC Guild have been right at half of what I would have expected. I'm actually earning the same ~$12/day from my S4 on BTC Guild as my two overclocked S3's (1TH) are paying over the same three days, which are still hashing away on Slush's pool. Both have been running 24/7 since about 1am Oct 5th, with no power or internet disruptions at all.
This has me perplexed. I know that slush's pool could just be lucky right now, and/or BTC Guild could be unlucky, but slush's posted luck of late has only been kinda good (and I don't see where BTC Guild posts its luck stats, as such) but anyway luck varies from day to day, this 50% of expected payout has been remarkably consistent. And it seems unlikely that BTC Guild's payout scheme just sucks this much worse than Slush's? I don't know -- I've never used any pool other than Slush cuz I'm old school like that, and i love their retro 1998-style geeky web design, lol.
I was very relieved to finally switch my S4 to BTC Guild, after researching extensively how to increase UserDiff at Slush's pool (only to find that he'd removed the feature after VarDiff was "perfected") but, at the end of the day, the proof is in the pudding isn't it? And I ain't likin' this pudding!
Now I'm reluctantly forced to consider pointing the S4 back at Slush's pool since, after 8 to 12 hours, it does finally reach about 1.6 to 1.8 TH there (sometimes, for a while), and that's about .6 to .8 TH's more than I seem to getting paid for from BTC Guild :-(
Anyone else conducting a side-by-side, apples-to-apples earnings comparison between an S4 on BTC Guild and some other proven mining equipment elsewhere?