A Daughter Board that is used for what? EDIT: I see you said it connects to the hash boards. If this is the case, how would it be connected to the hash boards?
What Daughter Board would be compatible with it? {I'm learning here}
Is this something similar to Raspberry? I never was familiar with the Raspberry. Never had one in my hands or used one. I take it this is a means of having multiple S7's [Maybe 50 x S7's] connected to one device and being able to manage all 50 rigs from this one device?
The BB board is a cut down version of the standard off the shelf ARM Processor based board, doing the same job as the Rasberry used in other systems.
This then plugs into a Bitmain propriety interface board ( Called it a Daughter Board, but probably better named as an Interface Board) which has additional components to interface to the Hash Boards via the cables that you have also linked to, and also the Fans etc. Probably does more than just interfacing, but that is beyond my knowledge...