Things will change when STO will rule crypto world.
The thing is people do not have a full understanding that STOs or ICOs are the same exact thing and ICO could generally be the same thing a STO it just depends on what country the project is based in and the security laws in such country.
I mean people think STO and boom its a new wave when in reality if STOs where to happen 90% of the people in this forum wouldnt be able to invest in them as they sre not wealthy enough to do so.
People invest but know nothing about the laws in what they are investing in what you call dumb investors.
There aren't many investors who will participate in STOs because the majority of people can't afford to participate in STOs, STOs are only for the wealthy so its not like casual ICO participants can just go straight to participating in STOs again most don't even know what the security laws in their countries are.
Looks like the crypto community is never going to learn and research into their own security laws.