We are perfect consumers. And I can't help thinking that over time, we have been "gently" pushed in this direction.
No more goals, no ideas, ideology, morals or principles. Just having the latest iWhatever, fast car and sleep with plenty of women. Like a new special breed of zombies.
In the past people fought and gave their life for freedom. And now I think we are less free then before. It's just that we are persuaded otherwise. Like in ancient Rome - bread and circus.
Well, like the reply said, it would depend on so many factors. If you feel that you are being "urged" beyond your control to follow something that you actually don't want to do. Then, you can actually define that as brainwashing; however, you do always have a choice with what you do. Although with have societal norms and common practices that people follow in their daily lives, there are not rules that say that deviating from those would be something wrong. Maybe it would feel awkward by being different, but your life is your own, like your decisions are too.