my question, how much income you get from bounty signature or sosmed dll. . ??
I am a person who frequently participates in the Bounty campaigns and frequently evaluates these opportunities, but I do not think I have made this process a profession because some people in the circles spend almost all of their time on these transactions and aim to earn a lot of revenue from them. Personally, I do not have such a goal and daily commitment, but I can say that I am trying to earn a lot of leisure time. I do not really think I'm a bounty hunter, but I might be a bit more interested than most of the members have. I also try not to choose too many campaigns because I take care to do my job both meticulously and in good quality. The more the number of campaigns, the better the quality of the service will be. Rather than pursuing many different campaigns, it is easier for me to engage with a few quality campaigns. In addition, the service I provide is of indirect quality.