I just met a friend while playing in a lottery called Keno. He is a good gambler and sometimes hits jackpots.
It always feels super after hitting the jackpot but yet, I am interested to know what makes a good gambler and what could be criterials of a good gambler As this man is said to be
As a pensioner with grown children, he is a heavy bettor. I noticed that he is a generous gambler. He uses half of his winnings to treat friends, neighbors, and relatives every time he wins. He does this to invite good karma and since he acknowledges his gambling addiction, people who know him don't question him.
It is worth questioning, infact, likely to need advice because it is not wise chasing after profits in gambling at the obligations to win and shares amongst relatives and the publics. This could lead to bankruptcy because there could be tendencies to loose over 100 times while gambling as long as gambling remains a game of luck.
This could be as carelessness of displeasing himself to please others without undermining that he has to be balanced before you could serve as a weighing pillar to others.