I don't think friedcat has a need to 'look good' in that sense, but I do think he needs to look good by providing the information that shareholders need to evaluate a share. After my previous request, he did provide answers to my most pressing questions and promised periodical financial updates. If he holds this promise, and he has demonstrated before his commitment to holding promises he makes, then shareholders will suddenly have a much better chance to evaluate the real value of AM and not just throw numbers out based on a few numbers like current hash rate or dividend projections.
Keep in mind, folks, that if AM had not paid a single ฿dime in dividends, all those dividends would now be part of the company book value. You haven't earned a dime in value by withdrawing dividends from the company; in fact, dividends reduce AMs ability to handle unforeseen circumstances, invest in next-gen or next-next-gen technology, and so on.
Are you better at optimizing mining production with ฿ than friedcat? If not, then share value has probably suffered from the high dividends, not gained from it.