Daily UpdateWe have submitted the information to GLBSE, and are waiting for their responses.
Friedcat, would you like us to start sending you our claims (how many shares we own), in case you never receive official data from GLBSE? I've got my books in order, and I see my trades in the "complete trade history" csv file. That doesn't prove anything - but it may be all we've got, and as Jutarul explained above, it may be possible to reconstruct most of the database by matching people's claims based on amounts and timestamps.
In case of the possibility we could not receive the shareholders data, we begin collecting the claims ourselves.
Please send to (
[email protected]) your number of shares and your Bitcoin address for receiving dividends. Please annotate that they are ASICMINER shares to avoid confusion with MU or MOORE shares. You could accompany them with any evidence you think is OK to provide. It is highly recommended that you use an address that you have its private key. By that, you may enjoy more facilities provided by our future automatic migrating platform.