The huge drop was because USD-BTC is illiquid. The adjustment will be a continuing trend as sentiment shifts, not a vertical line.
so, let me get this straight, the big drop was because of the USD/BTC rate and nothing to do with the low dividend this week or the whale that has been keeping the price at 3.5 for several days?
interesting theory.
Uh, no. I guess this needs explaining.
For people who are on the fence about AM, a drop prompts them to sell. This is easy, shares -> BTC.
But people who are bullish on AM likely don't have enough BTC sitting around to buy in lots at the low price. They have to buy BTC from USD first. USD is illiquid in the context of AM, not to mention it takes much longer to move BTC into an exchange than click 'sell'.
The bears react instantly and the bulls are delayed. So you get a cliff in the share price because resistance is anemic.
Don't trust the spikes. The trend is real, not the sudden movement. For a stock, value is equal to sentiment (look at Tesla), and eventually sentiment comes to match fundamentals. The technicals are noise. We will be below 2 in due time.