If somebody doesn't pay up, their spot disappears. We already have the minimum in escrow. Canary will be VERY happy to include you in the other group buy.
Cutoff for payment is less than 7 days now right? We down to what? Six? Do we have a counter or something? I like counters.
Timer removed. End time: 2013-05-13+00:00:00
there ya go, timer for midnight. Get those monies in!
i dont really know when the deadline is but just everyone hurry up lol
Is this timer correct for when the order will be placed?
oh, uh, no. totally not my timer at all. though it WILL be daytime in china then, so who knows. if john and i hear from friedcat and go ahead, i will probably send out one last ditch effort ot contact people, giving them 6 hours to reply and then cancel any unpaid orders.