Either it's noone having those guns, or everyone having one. Older citizens, kids, whatever.
exactly. The FIRST requisite of liberty is universal armament. You can't put the genie back in the bottle, even if you want to. Guns have existed for the better part of six centuries, and the knowledge to make them, from crude to amazingly precise, is easy to come by. The most common rifle in the world was designed to be able to be built by a blacksmith if necessary, albeit at significant cost to accuracy and longevity.
If only the rulers have guns, then you have a populace of slaves. Contra what some keep spouting, all the stats I've been able to find over many years show exactly the opposite. The most armed places are the least violent.
Consider, since school shootings are ALWAYS the "disarm everyone but the criminals" groups' main focus, that it is illegal for ANYONE to have firearms in a school, now. Wasn't true in my youth, and we didn't go around shooting each other either. But I digress. ALL of these mass shootings happen where it is illegal to defend yourself. And no, to you liberals, cowering in a corner waiting to be shot doesn't count as defense. These shooters KNOW they face no opposition, and they have a field day. One man with a handgun would have stopped them cold in just about every one of those shootings.
Also, think on heavily armed societies such as Switzerland. They do not have much of a violent crime problem, and it is required that their male citizens have a military rifle on hand. Not the "badass lookin'" semis that Americans get so upset about, either, but the real deal. Full auto at the flick of a switch. The criminal element is well aware of this, and so does NOT invade the home of a man that is likely to shoot them dead.
You are delirious if you think that the most armed countries are the most peaceful - first example, the USA. It's the country in the world with more weapons (35% to 50% of
all the privately owned guns in the world are in the US, while its population only amounts to aprox. 5% of the world population), while its one of the most violent countries in the world. So... the problem is you need more guns?? Really?
Then, you are repeating over and over the Switzerland example which is a blatant demonstration of how mistaken some of you are, you are just repeating meaningless clichés - Switzerland is a peaceful and neutral country, thus they
do no even have an army. Because they do not have an army and are neutral in all wars, their citizens military duty is to store firearms at home, but:
- carrying a firearm in Switzerland is
strictly prohibited, unless you a) are en route to practice with your unit or b) you work in security (meaning your are a policeman or similar). There's
no way a regular citizen is allowed to carry a gun, there's no "special permit" or license possible. If authorities catch you carrying a pistol, you go straight to jail. Oh yes.
- the immense majority of firearms "owned" by Swiss citizens are just 3 models of weapons, the ones provided by the State - which also provide the ammo, which has
always to be sealed unless there is a invasion, war, etc... And only the Gov. could say "ok we are now at war, take out your guns".
So, this is what you want for the US? You want to store weapons
because your Government forces you to (military training is
mandatory and the "swiss militia" soldiers are
conscripts), but you cannot carry/use those guns unless the Government specifically allows you to because there is some kind of war or invasion? Really? I don't think so, Switzerland is one of the most regulated countries in the world, and is quite the opposite of what you would like for the US. The fact some of you keep repeating over and over the same example of Switzerland demonstrate you know nothing about the reality of their policies, you seem to ignore
no one carries firearms, no one is EVER allowed to fire their guns unless they are practicing with their unit, they cannot even use their guns for self defense (if you shot a thief armed with a knife that broke into your house and you kill him, you go to jail for life unless you have an excellent defense that can prove that the thief's intention was not just to steal from you, but to outright kill you... Which is very difficult to prove unless he injured you)... And you still say Switzerland is an example you like? Wow, genius.
What I will have to agree with most in here, is that guns are just tools - evil tools, but just objects nevertheless. People kills, not necessarily guns. As Switzerland (or Finland) demonstrates, there can be a lot of guns in people's houses and very little crime. That's a fact. Do you know why? Because it is a matter of CULTURE.
No one in Switzerland thinks carrying a firearm is their "god given right". They are just forced to
store them because they have no army. They cannot use them, but nevertheless no one really wishes to carry them. Which is a very different approach than "people can only be free if they have guns, and BTW if I see someone in my property I will blow his brain off because it is my god-given right"... See, the problem in the US is that you have this cult for violence, you think there are a lot of "bad guys" (both inside and outside the US) who are waiting to gang rape your family, so your only chance to survive is to master violence... Well, this "cowboy mentality" is reflected and executed by the US Government too in its foreign policy.