You see how Mike just said that they are poor kids who were drugged and brainwashed, meaning that they are not 'the bad guys' - he implied the bad guys are on higher positions, which is a fair point.
On the contrary you can bet that for the family of the Reuters reporter murdered in that video those US soldiers are indeed the bad guys that should be taken out. So... If they are indeed "the bad guys" also for you and Americans in general, why don't your armed friends go and use their freedom-tools against the US military preventing the killings their neighbours are commiting abroad?
Maybe because if its not your family who is threatened you don't really care, even if those murders are committed in YOUR name?
Maybe because you know you do not have any chance against the military, and that's just the way it is?
The Federal government is completely out of control of the citizens of the US. They are bought and paid for by the special interests of the world, namely the large corporations and "military industrial complex".
As you see the point of firearms protecting citizens against the Government is ludicrous (a point I read a lot here), especially taking into consideration we are speaking about the US, which Government (and army) supports the interests of the people ruling the world.
Actually it is not. Any one person trying to take on the Federal government will lose. Only if the government makes the first strike will the people band together and overturn the tyrannical out of control parasite that it is. Re-read what happened with the "revolutionary war". The only difference is today's government is completely way beyond what England was doing at the time.
And if you know you do not stand a chance against the people ruling the world, maybe you just want your guns to be safe in case a random criminal/psycho tries to kill you. Well, in that case world statistics say that less guns = less violent crime, which leads to a less violent society as a whole.
This has been dis-proven time and time again here. Why do you keep repeating it?
This cult to the idea that individuals have the "God given" right to carry firearms is disturbing and sick.
The world is fucked up - lets try not to fuck it up even more by adding more and more deadly weapons to it.
Here we go with the labeling again. When your "facts" fall apart, you resort to labeling those who oppose your viewpoint.
The world is full of sick and mentally depraved individuals. Some are that way because of drugs (illegal or prescribed). Some are that way because of religious hysteria. Some are that way because they are power freaks and desire to manipulate and control others. Some are that way because of their military "training". ALL of those have ready access to "deadly weapons", whether they are illegal or not. Yet you want those law abiding citizens who don't fall into any of those categories to disarm themselves and make themselves ready victims to the others? That's a very weird and odd position to take.