Nothing has been heard yet. Personally I don't read Russian and unable to read the related news from Moscow. I remember that a forum member Squeeze (who's from Slovenia) understands Russian well enough to translate and post the news from Russia here (Slovenian and Russian languages are close enough). I believing he'll be posting something new regarding the trial anytime soon.
It's been confirmed that another another court session (the final I hope) is set to October 2, 2018. The defendant - Rusbase - is obliged to present to the court evidence accordingly to the item 65 of the Russian Code of Commercial procedure which means Rusbase is obliged to prove its position otherwise the desicion shall be made in favour of Worldcore. There' just two more weeks to go and it's over.
It seems like Rusbase hasn't preseneted to the court any evidence to maintain and protect their position. In my opinion nothing has been made on purpose - just to prolong the process to delay the final desicion date to the most late date possible. Inderectly my opinion is based on the fact that Rusbase deleted the article mentioning Worldcore as a scam from their site and because of this it's very hard for Rusbase to defend their positions at the court.