Before you invest,be sure that you read their sale tos so you will not be surprise in case the dev suddenly stop this project,the tos guaranty their profit,but di not guaranty it's investors
3.1. The Purchaser acknowledges and understands that the Databits have no warranty whatsoever,
expressed or implied, to the extent permitted by Applicable Law and accordingly that Databits are
purchased on an "as is" basis.
3.2. The Purchaser also understands that K will not provide any refund of the purchase price for
Databits under any circumstance.
3.3. The Purchaser further agrees to accept sole and exclusive risk for the purchase of Databits through
the Augmentors Realm. The Purchaser recognises that the Augmentors game is currently being
developed and may undergo significant changes before release.
3.4. In order to reduce the possibility of fraud, phishing attempts and other schemes perpetrated by
malicious third parties, the Purchaser agrees not to respond directly to any inquiry regarding its
purchase of Databits, including but not limited to email requests purportedly coming from K, its
affiliates or the Augmentors Realm. The Purchaser understands that K may send the Purchaser
emails from time-to-time, but these email notices will never ask for information or require a
response from the Purchaser.
3.5. The Purchaser understands, that while K and its affiliates will make reasonable efforts to complete
the development of the Augmentors game, there is a possibility that an officially completed version
of the Augmentors game may not be released and there may never be an operational Augmentors
3.6. It may also occur that even if K releases a completed version of the Augmentors game, the game
may potentially be abandoned or shut down due to a lack of public interest in games of this nature
or the Augmentors game in particular.
3.7. The Purchaser also recognises that K does not warrant the period of time for which the Augmentors
game will be operational. The Augmentors game may be abandoned by K for a number of reasons,
including a lack of interest from the public, a lack of funding or competing games that seek to
develop similar products,