I'm not trolling here, so put your flamethrowers away!
I would say that the speculation most would guess at is that avalon needed batch #2 money in
order to complete batch #1 orders.. and get them shipped by the end of Feb in order to stay
on track.
So one could speculate that they are purposely quiet on this front and maybe outright fibbed
to people so they could keep this rolling. It does not sound very nice to state, "we ran out of
funds and need more money to finish up batch #1.. so please order batch #2 so we do not go
The trick is.. the batch #1 money may have covered a lot of sunk costs. So the amount of money
needed to cover batch #1 and batch #2 is already in hand. So it is not like they are unable to deliver
what they are promising. It is just their lack of transparency has caused these types of speculations.
Very BFL like in ways when it comes to giving out information to customers who spent money with them.